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natural stone & granite countertops disclaimer
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customer note
stone and granite are natural products and as such, they contain variations in color, veining and shading. some stone will contain inclusions, pits or fissures as a result of its geological formation. these are not flaws and material containing them will be fabricated as a quality product. samples are used as a representation of the final product and will not be an exact match. when and where the stone or granite was quarried will affect its color.

this information is to help make you more aware of the stone or granite product you may be purchasing. standard industry techniques are employed in the fabrication of granite and stone countertops, for example: sink centerlines, sink set back, faucet drills and overhangs. any alterations to these and other standards not mentioned must be addressed in writing, or specifically shown on a scaled plan of your countertops prior to fabrication. alterations from the "standard" may affect the final cost.

click here for a printable version for your customer to sign
p.o. box 368 ?654 commerce dr. ?hastings, mn 55033 ?651-438-2223 ?fax: 651-438-1199
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