butcher block countertop mn
fabricators, inc. & stone, llc
fabricators, inc. & stone, llc
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butcher block countertops
minneapolis butcher block kitchen


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       hard rock maple ?red oak ?lyptus
natural wood countertops add beauty and warmth to any kitchen or bar, creating a look unmatched by any synthetic material. at apl fabricators & apl stone you're sure to get only the highest quality products with our butcher block countertops made of only the finest, hand selected hardwoods.

wood countertops minneapolis apl fabricators & apl stone manufacturer and supply a wide variety of countertops and case work products for the greater minneapolis and st paul, mn metro area. for more information about our butcher block and wood countertops, tips on how to care for your tops or for a free estimate, please feel free to contact us 651-438-2223.

p.o. box 368 ?654 commerce drive ?hastings, mn 55033 ?651-438-2223 ?fax: 651-438-1199
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copyright ?2009 apl fabricators inc. & stone, llc
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