fabricators, inc. & stone, llc |
butcher block care and cleaning
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full time remote companies work from home for housewives jobs |
the wood used for our butcher block tops is kiln dried to a moisture content of 6%, making the countertops very susceptible to water and dampness. extremes of either humidity or dryness can cause the wood to swell and shrink enough to cause small seasonal checks. this is an unavoidable condition of enjoying
the character and beauty of a product made from a natural material. but there are a few things you can do to help preserve your butcher block. keeping your home properly humidified in the winter and summer, and refreshing the wood with oil on a regular basis will help prevent the wood from cracking. if cracks do appear, filling them with a cellulose filler of the correct tint can make them practically invisible.
daily cleaning
monthly maintenance
| p.o. box 368 ?654 commerce drive ?hastings, mn 55033 ?651-438-2223 ?fax: 651-438-1199
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